
Will Trump get his Supreme Court? Amy Coney Barrett nomination fight begins.

Pollemix News – October 12, 2020
The Senate confirmation hearing for Judge Amy Coney Barrett begins today on Capitol Hill as Republicans push to confirm her before Election Day to guarantee a conservative majority on the Supreme Court, a long held goal for the GOP.

Although the Judiciary hearing is set for this week the nomination vote will likely be delayed for a week after the conclusion of the hearing, honoring historical precedent, and is likely to split along party lines 12-10 in favor of the Republicans on the committee and the nomination will then be elevated to the Senate for a final confirmation vote.

Of particular interest will be how fiercely Barrett is grilled by Democrats on the committee and whether the hearing will descend into a political bloodbath reminiscent of the 2018 nomination for Brett Kavanaugh. In light of the fact that there seems to be no realistic path to stopping the appointment of Barrett, it seems unlikely that the Democrats will continue with the same tact as they risk alienating female voters who may respond negatively if they perceive that Barrett is being unfairly maligned for her faith, or if the hearing turns into an inquisition rather than an honest inquiry.

On the flipside, Democrats will also need to demonstrate a willingness to fight for issues important to their base even though they seem powerless to stop the confirmation and their voters will be expecting Barrett to be interrogated on whether she would overturn Roe v. Wade, healthcare and if she would recuse herself should the 2020 election decision end up being determined by the Supreme Court.

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