
POLL: Should Fox News fire anyone that is not pro-Trump?

Fox's only remaining liberal voice Juan Williams announced today he would be leaving The Five after a 7 year run as the left-wing foil to his four conservative co-hosts. Despite often being the lone opposing voice, Williams appeared to relish the role until recently where his verbal sparring with conservative commentator Greg Gutfeld has become increasingly fiery and vehement. Fox is now wholeheartedly behind former President Trump and Williams departure appears to show the network will continue to move to the right as they seek to wrestle back viewers from more right wing channels such as OANN and Newsmax.

With Fox seeking to reclaim the mantle as the most pro-Trump channel, should they fire hosts that are not sufficiently supportive of Trump?

Pollemix News 27 May 2021
By Hitch Jefferson
Tags: Trump, Fox News, Fox