
USER POLL: Are you concerned about President Biden and the Democrats spending plans?

Submitted By User Lexi for Pollemix Polls
Posted on July 20, 2021

President Joe Biden and Congressional Democrats announced a raft of new spending bills, including a $1.2 Trillion Infrastructure bill, an extension of the Child Tax Credit, and canceling student loan debt. This comes on the heels of the $1.9 Tn Covid Relief bill, leading Republicans to warn that Biden's reckless spending will cause inflation to skyrocket. However, Joe Biden and the Democrats claim that the spending is needed to revitalize America's economy after the devastating fallout from the Covid pandemic. They also insist that the increased expenditure will be paid for by raising taxes on the wealthy and the economic boost their policies will deliver.

Are you concerned about President Biden and the Democrats spending?

User: Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi