
McConnell warns GOP only 50-50 chance of holding the Senate

Pollemix News – October 29, 2020
Mitch McConnell appeared on Fox News Today to warn his Republican comrades that their Senate majority was under severe threat as Democrats are making a concerted effort to take back the Senate as well as the Presidency. McConnell told host Shannon Bream “It’s a 50-50 proposition. We have a lot of exposure. This is a huge Republican class. There are dogfights all over the country.”

There are a number of competitive races in GOP districts across the country, with the Democrats only defending 12 seats to the Republicans 23 in this election cycle and polling analysis site FiveThirtyEight currently has the Democrats with a 77% chance of winning a Senate majority. Encouragingly for the Republicans, however, is that many of the races have tightened up as we approach Election Day and they will be hopeful that like in 2016 the polls are underestimating Donald Trump’s poll numbers, as often in close elections the down-ballot races are carried by the party who wins the top of the ticket so a victory for Biden or Trump is likely to determine the fate of the Senate.

POLL: Will Democrats win the Senate back in 2020?

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