
Biden vows to make Roe v Wade ‘law of the land’ to stop Supreme Court from banning abortion

Pollemix News – October 06, 2020
Joe Biden appeared in an NBC Town Hall yesterday evening where he fielded a question from a young woman as to whether Amy Coney Barrett’s elevation to the Supreme Court would result in Roe v Wade being overturned with Biden responding that if Barrett was confirmed that he would look to codify legislation to prevent the landmark abortion ruling from being overturned.

Responding to the questioner who called protecting reproductive health care imperative, Biden responded “we don’t know exactly what she will do, although expectation is that she may very well move to overrule Roe and the only thing, the only responsible response to that would be to pass legislation making Roe the law of the land. That’s what I would do.”

Overturning Roe v Wade has been a long-held dream for the base of the Republican Party and with the likely appointment of Amy Coney Barrett, who has previously expressed support for an ad that called the law barbaric, the Supreme Court would have a 6-3 conservative majority raising GOP hopes that they will have the votes to overturn the landmark 1973 legislation. Conversely, liberals have looked to enshrine the ruling into legislation in order to prevent the Supreme Court from being able to reverse the decision and Biden’s response is an indication that in spite of the fact they seem set to lose the battle to prevent Barrett’s confirmation, the Democrats have not conceded defeat in preserving existing abortion laws.

Will abortion be banned under a Conservative majority Supreme Court?

With President Trump's appointment of another Conservative Justice to the Supreme Court the balance has shifted to 6-3 majority Conservative. Will this lead to Roe v Wade being overturned?